Directors: Elizabeth Woolford & Michayla Robertson-Pine
Inspired by the book The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, The Dream Circus Project brought a devised immersive theater experience to Wesleyan University's '92 Theater. The campus home of the Second Stage student theater company was transformed into the site where audiences would explore a nocturnal world of magic and performance. Beginning under the big top, the audience was split up onto separate narrative tracks, with each member led on a unique journey to see several talents of the circus troupe. No two paths were the same, and every participant winding through the floors of the building experienced their own set of enchanting acts and spectacles.
As the assistant props designer, I worked closely with designer Sophie Green to design and dress the look of each space, as a collaborative effort with the actors. After reading the source material and consulting with the directors, we began to gather and create the objects that would fill the show's spaces. As each actor devised their own character and performance, we worked with them to find artifacts that would fit their environment and make their individual locations, such as the candy shop or fortune teller's tent, all the more personal.

As the circus begins, the members of the troupe put on an introductory act for the audience under the peak of the tent.

In the Sketch Artist's corner, audience members would sit face to face with the character, who drew them in the dimly-lit staircase. Other students working on the show provided many of the drawings seen on the walls.

In the Candy Shop, the jubilant Candy Man (played by Liam Caplan) and his talking sock puppet gave audiences popcorn and sweets.

In the Producer's closet, lone audience members are invited into a frightening solo interaction as they sign a binding contract.

In the Apothecary, a Potion Master shared their creations with the audience, and asked them to create a potion of their own, which they could take home.

A creepy corner of the Apothecary featured plants and anatomical drawings, sketched by a member of the cast.

A dimly-lit table with supplies sat in the corner of the Apothecary.

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